Sunday, September 27, 2009

I know you won't believe me

But there will come a time, pretty soon, when running outside will be so much easier than running on the treadmill. Hang in there.

This week, keep running your 500 meters. If that's easy to you now, then try squeezing in at least 4 times 500 meters in your 30 minute workout.

Week after next, we'll go for 750 meters.

It will be easy if you get down with your 500 meters this week.

Cheering for you from Sweden


  1. I think I've already broken my sensor. I'm actually really sad that I can't go for a run tonight. :(

  2. I even exercised while on vacation this weekend visiting family. I've done the 500 on 3 different outings. Definitely just making the time to get out there is a big deal. Have tracked my food and exercise on "Daily Plate".com--holding me accountable.

  3. I was having some trouble with the site- but I finally got my runs to load!! I didn't realize how mch others have already accomplished- wow!

    I've learned that I DO like to run... to keep running after a km or so is the hard part. Still, I went 3 times last week, and I'm going to shoot for 4 this week, increasing the amount of time I run without stopping.

    I still love the treadmill... but I'll trust yo anyway emi!

  4. I weighed myself today and was surprised to see how much I'd gained - in muscle! My eating habits have improved with the incentive of much happier exercise, which made it less traumatic to see :). I've clocked in about 7.5 km since the beginning of the challenge and am still waiting for the fit to arrive - gotta love postal strikes...

  5. Run without the sensor Gillian! What makes you think you broke it? and yes Genevieve and Allie, it's much easier to eat better once you've gotten into the habit of running.

    ANd Justine, there's nothing wrong with loving the treadmill!

  6. I just did three 500 km in my thirty minutes, and it wasn't bad at all! My goal is to do it at least twice more this week.

  7. Well, I was very, very nervous about fitting in 4 x 500m within 30 minutes but I did it (and then some shorter runs till I hit 5km). The idea of running 5km non stop still scares me to death but seeing those challenge numbers sure helps :)


The stats