Friday, December 18, 2009

Feel free to complain to Nike+

Response (Timo) - 18/12/2009 14:27

Hello Emi,

Thank you for contacting us.

The option was not integrated yet as the website is still under construction (BETA) .

So far we integrated again the possibility to bring your stats on facebook also twitter , to be able to upload to your own blog or website will follow soon.

Feel free to contact us again if you need any further assistance.

Best Regards,


Customer (Emi Guner) - 17/12/2009 22:57
Dear Nike people, this new site, it does not deliver.
I've kept two running blogs up, all built around nike+ challenges.
WHere did the function to post challenges on external blogs, such as
blogger blogs, go?
Is it still there, only I can't see it/find it?

Curious greetings
-emi guner, stockholm

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Please set your profiles to public. If you don't I will remove you from the challenges.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ok so perhaps not last week

Many of you seemed to think 5km is not possible yet. So let's extend the 5k dream a little.
How about trying to reach 5k by Christmas or New Years?

Try to think about it this way: If you keep running, even slowly, for 30 to 35 minutes, you'll make it. When it gets tough tell yourseslf you only have to run for a minute. Also keep in mind that you're getting stronger every time you go out running.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Last week!

Everyone run 5 k.
Then we're done over here and you can join us over at Run with E.
Are you all into running now? Yes? No? Does it still suck or are you into it? Did your bodies change?

Curious greetings

The stats